I often comment on sports, entertainment, and news articles on the Internet. From articles about Obama and politics, to lifestyles, and to those who slip and fall. The late great Whitney Houston is a prime example.
Last night, I watched a few of her performances on YouTube. And I'll tell you, if you are ever feeling blue, please listen to this woman sing. Her talent was most certainly a gift.
Whitney's vocal expertise however, is not the point of this article. I was so moved by her videos, I started to read the myriad post on YouTube. Most were respectful and astonishingly admiring Ms. Houston's phenomenal talent. But of course, there were those comments calling her a "crack head," a "monkey," a "nigger" and so forth.
I really didn't get upset with those individuals who wrote the negative comments. Immature souls simply don't realize the bad karma their caustic words are creating.
I've always told my kids, it takes a FOOL to argue with a FOOL. You would come out better having a debate with a tree.
Here's how to handle deleterious comments. Do not, in any way, shape, or form, comment on the negative statements. Don't attempt to defend President Obama (he is intellectually savvy enough to defend himself), or Whitney, Michael Jackson, or any human being who may have slipped and fallen. Because we all do.
The racial slurs, and the utter disrespect for a fellow Earth Traveler clearly shows the ignorance of those who make such vitriolic statements. It shows they have absolutely no respect for another Spiritual Being, so what does it accomplish to debate them.
Race is never the issue since we are all branches of the same tree. We all, regardless of race, religion, or creed, upon our transition from this life to the next, will return to the exact same source from which we came. And from all your religious instruction, throughout history, irregardless of what you refer to yourself as, there is only ONE SOURCE.

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