Many of the writing sites on the web don't pay that much money. Unless you hook up with some of the top writing sites, you will not see any decent earnings until you've written between 200 - 300 articles. No joke, and I know this from experience.
Here are some of the top writing sites:
- Yahoo Contributor
- EHow
- Hub Pages
- Squidoo
- Helium
- Bukisa
- Demand Studios
- Info Barrel
- Text Broker
- Life123
I wrote for Ehow a little under 3 years, at one point I was making a residual monthly income between $450-$600 from 370 articles. The company decided to go in another direction and offered a nice buy-out, they purchased all my articles.
I have close to 100 articles on Squidoo (actually about 140, but only about 80 are available for viewing because if Squidoo determines an article is not up to speed they will "un-publish" the article until you edit it, or add more content). On those 80 or so articles I make between $10-$15 per month.
One good thing about Squidoo is that you can incorporate Affiliate and Banner advertising into your articles. There are a variety of ways to make money on Squidoo, one way is through Amazon. For example, if your article mentions an author, or you quote from a well-known author, you can also sell his/her book from your article, via Amazon, and make a little money if someone purchases the book from your article.
Freelance Article Writing is a tedious process and the only way to actually make money is to write in bulk. The more articles you write, the more money you'll make. But you will need to write TONS of articles.
Often you'll hear a different story, and more often than not, that story is coming from the owner of an "article posting" or "article submission" site, or someone in that capacity. They put such a positive spin on it because they are trying to promote their venue, so they can make money. And what money they make, typically they are supposed to pay you a portion of what they earn. Often, the site owners will skim off the top, leaving you with only pennies .. literally.
The best way to get the most bang for your buck, in regards to the articles you write, is to cut out the middleman and post your articles to your own blog or website. Sign up for Google Adsense, InfoLinks, Kontera, or some other contextual advertising company. Also, sign up for as many Affiliate Programs as you can through Commission Junction or LinkShare. That way, whatever your article is about, you can add a banner or link that is related to the article, which gives you a chance to make money.
Your contextual advertising links will be automatically highlighted from the code embedded into your blog. InfoLinks or Google Adsense gives you the code, you copy and paste it to the back-end (control panel) of your blog. Once you have your blog set up, write your articles (post) and promote your blog at every opportunity.
When you write an article, it has its own URL. Take that URL and "Tweet it" .. post the URL on your Facebook Wall .. post it on LinkedIN and post the URL to at least 5 of the top bookmarking sites, such as:
I have close to 100 articles on Squidoo (actually about 140, but only about 80 are available for viewing because if Squidoo determines an article is not up to speed they will "un-publish" the article until you edit it, or add more content). On those 80 or so articles I make between $10-$15 per month.
One good thing about Squidoo is that you can incorporate Affiliate and Banner advertising into your articles. There are a variety of ways to make money on Squidoo, one way is through Amazon. For example, if your article mentions an author, or you quote from a well-known author, you can also sell his/her book from your article, via Amazon, and make a little money if someone purchases the book from your article.
Freelance Article Writing is a tedious process and the only way to actually make money is to write in bulk. The more articles you write, the more money you'll make. But you will need to write TONS of articles.
The best way to get the most bang for your buck, in regards to the articles you write, is to cut out the middleman and post your articles to your own blog or website. Sign up for Google Adsense, InfoLinks, Kontera, or some other contextual advertising company. Also, sign up for as many Affiliate Programs as you can through Commission Junction or LinkShare. That way, whatever your article is about, you can add a banner or link that is related to the article, which gives you a chance to make money.
Your contextual advertising links will be automatically highlighted from the code embedded into your blog. InfoLinks or Google Adsense gives you the code, you copy and paste it to the back-end (control panel) of your blog. Once you have your blog set up, write your articles (post) and promote your blog at every opportunity.
When you write an article, it has its own URL. Take that URL and "Tweet it" .. post the URL on your Facebook Wall .. post it on LinkedIN and post the URL to at least 5 of the top bookmarking sites, such as:
- Digg
- Mixx
- StumbleUpon
This article was initially written as a post on the "Love and Relationship Advice" forum.
B. Shaw aka taskeinc
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