A theologian raising a lone voice against a high crime of state reminds one immediately of the Nazi scourge and the almost lone voice of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, whom Hitler hanged a few days before the end, to rob him of any sense of victory or redemption that he might have enjoyed.
At no small risk to his reputation, David Ray Griffin has performed an invaluable public service by writing this book. By exposing the flaws in the official version of these events he raises the possibility that mainstream journalists find too terrible to contemplate: that elements of the U.S. government, and possibly even the President, were complicit in bringing the events of 9/11 about.
To those (and they are many) who would dismiss such a suggestion, I recommend taking this book seriously. Griffin is no wild-eyed fanatic, and one could not accuse of him of making unwarranted logical leaps. He treats this topic with the same care and rational vigor exhibited in his philosophical works. This book is not so much an indictment of the Bush Administration as it is a call for a serious public investigation of events that have been used to justify unprecedented infringements upon the civil liberties of Americans at home and imperial adventures abroad.
Ultimately, if such an investigation were to occur, it would have lead to impeachment. If the evidence points in the direction that Griffin's analysis suggests, the Bush Administration would be guilty of the highest crimes imaginable. It is vital to our democracy that this book receive the widest possible readership, and that the public demand answers to these questions.
What's hard to believe is number of people who aren't aware of the evidence of duplicity, and how many do not want to know. The majority of Americans don't appear to want the truth or simply don't care. If we don't attempt to get to the bottom of the massive cover-up that was 9/11, we are setting ourselves up for another ca strophic event. Where is the media? Is our country's media so controlled that we have no hope for an impartial investigation?
"The New Pearl Harbor," does a very good job of raising the questions and the possible levels of chicanery in the Bush administration that would have needed to be in place to enable 9/11 to occur. The author shows the extent of coincidences which one would have to believe to conclude that this was mere incompetence. He shows the questions pertaining to the lack of military intervention, not just on the first plane, but on the second WTC plane and also the plane that was supposed to hit the Pentagon. The timelines of the events were nicely stated. The Pentagon and the Shanksville events have many elements needing explanation.
Griffin goes into the various ties the administration has, ironically, with those who were alleged to be guilty of the crimes. He also goes into detail about the extent to which the administration stonewalled the possible attempts (or potential non-attempts) of the investigative commissions to find answers. The stonewalling begins with the fact that the Administration determined who would make up the 9/11 Commission, which was a total farce!
What's hard to believe is number of people who aren't aware of the evidence of duplicity, and how many do not want to know. The majority of Americans don't appear to want the truth or simply don't care. If we don't attempt to get to the bottom of the massive cover-up that was 9/11, we are setting ourselves up for another ca strophic event. Where is the media? Is our country's media so controlled that we have no hope for an impartial investigation?
"The New Pearl Harbor," does a very good job of raising the questions and the possible levels of chicanery in the Bush administration that would have needed to be in place to enable 9/11 to occur. The author shows the extent of coincidences which one would have to believe to conclude that this was mere incompetence. He shows the questions pertaining to the lack of military intervention, not just on the first plane, but on the second WTC plane and also the plane that was supposed to hit the Pentagon. The timelines of the events were nicely stated. The Pentagon and the Shanksville events have many elements needing explanation.
Griffin goes into the various ties the administration has, ironically, with those who were alleged to be guilty of the crimes. He also goes into detail about the extent to which the administration stonewalled the possible attempts (or potential non-attempts) of the investigative commissions to find answers. The stonewalling begins with the fact that the Administration determined who would make up the 9/11 Commission, which was a total farce!
Flight 93 Revealed: What Really Happened on the 9/11 Let's Roll Flight?
Flight 93 is the heroic 9/11 story that inspired America and produced the Pentagon's "Let's Roll" recruiting slogan for the Iraq invasion. Brave passengers, enraged when they learned about the 9/11 events by phone, organized an attack that brought the plane down in rural Pennsylvania.

It was the drama that powered America's war effort. But how much of the Flight 93 legend is truth, and how much wishful thinking or even propaganda?
In a book that will shake believers and challenge the official account, Rowland Morgan compares the legend with the available evidence and finds much of it is wishful thinking or pure invention.
In a book that will shake believers and challenge the official account, Rowland Morgan compares the legend with the available evidence and finds much of it is wishful thinking or pure invention.
Problems with the U.S. Air Force's failed intervention, the presence of hijackers, the passengers' phone calls, and the dramatic climax in the cockpit suggest a motive for war that is as much fiction as fact.
Rowland Morgan's co-authored 9/11 Revealed rocked government circles in London and in Washington, where it was officially branded "misinformation" and subjected to a corporate media boycott.
Rowland Morgan's co-authored 9/11 Revealed rocked government circles in London and in Washington, where it was officially branded "misinformation" and subjected to a corporate media boycott.
In Flight 93: the Inside Story, Morgan again shatters illusions and forces readers to re-examine the evidence.
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